Your Social Media Upline

I want to make it very clear that I am not anti-MLM. I love my Beachbody workouts. I work out from the comforts of my own home daily and will never go back to a gym. My BB coach makes well over six figures each year and one of my friends is on track to be a pink Cadillac driver for MaryKay. I say these things upfront because I understand that being a part of a network marketing business is enticing and success is totally possible.

When I initially started my business, it was to help other boss babes shine online (a little vague, I know but we all start somewhere). Business owners know - now, more than ever post-2020 -  that social media is essential to succeed. I truly believe with my whole heart that you can achieve anything using the free tools available on the internet. What you need to invest in, whether it be time or money, is proper training. Here’s why:

Most women that join MLM companies do so from a place of emotion. They long for the promised transformation that they see in their soon-to-be upline. More often than not, once they join, their upline gives them just enough attention to keep them as a part of their paycheck but not enough to make them successful. They provide little to no training and teach old social media tactics (that might have worked for them) but won’t ever convert prospects to customers for their downline in a now saturated virtual market.

Have you ever been told to:

  • Write a generic DM script. Go down your “friends list” on Facebook and send the same message to every single person on your list just changing the name. Don’t leave anyone out.

  • Pick a hashtag and follow x-amount of people per day that have posted using that hashtag.

  • Post a photo on your wall stating that you’re doing a giveaway and ask everyone interested to put the same stock photo of your products on their wall.

  • If you haven’t met your goal by the end of the month, post a photo of yourself holding cash and literally pay people to buy your products.

  • Create a fake email address and buy your own products using your own money to meet your goals at the end of the month.

If you don’t understand why these tactics won’t work, let me turn one into a real-life example:

Picture this: you go into a store at the mall - Sephora perhaps - maybe you have a little extra cash this month and you want to treat yourself but mostly you’re just looking to browse, noncommittally. As soon as you put one foot into the store, a young woman approaches you and says

“Hey Girl, we just got this amazing line of products in and I think they would be absolutely perfect for you. You would have to buy them right now though because I’m really trying to meet my sales goal for the month and I NEED you to purchase the largest package right now. By the way, I know we just met but I think you’d be the perfect fit for our team here at Sephora and you’ll get a discount on all the products you buy if agree to work here with me. How does that sound?”

Oh. My. God.

First of all, if you’ve done any of those things listed above - no judgment here. I’ve done them too. They worked for my coach. Why wouldn’t they work for me? Well, I’m not my coach. That’s why.. and you. You are not your upline. You are not the company you work for - yes, I said work FOR. If you sell products, you might be your own “boss” but you do not own your own company, meaning: if your company went bankrupt tomorrow, you would have nothing. 

In order to be successful on social media, you need to build your own brand and have your own personality. You need to create a brand and a business for yourself that could stand independently of your MLM. Your “why” should be so strong that your MLM is just one tool that you use to build your empire. 

Why am I telling you this? Because here’s where I come in. Like I said earlier, I believe that you can do anything you want to do in this lifetime and I’m going to help you do that. 

Cue Your Social Media Upline: a self-paced online course designed for my MLM babes!

In this course, I will teach you how to:

  • Build your own brand apart from your MLM - define “your why” and who you are.

  • Create your own brand and brand assets - logo, colors, fonts, textures, and graphics.

  • How to optimize your social media platforms to prep your audience for sales.

  • Create content that converts your audience into paying customers without spamming them.

  • How to plan, schedule, and repurpose your content to save you time and money.

  • Find your ideal clients online.

  • Engage with your audience and curate meaningful relationships.

  • Grow your own community and gain traction in your business apart from your MLM.

  • Create your own lead magnets that attract new customers organically.

  • Position yourself as the expert in your industry and have people come to you.

  • Crush your self-doubt and be confident AF in your OWN brand.

  • Use my favorite free tools on the internet to create all of this yourself and stay organized.

  • Shine - not just stand out - in the social media space.

Want to be the first to know when this course is released? Click here to get on the waiting list!

In the meantime, follow me on Instagram for daily social media tips or check out my free guide “How to Leverage Clubhouse as an MLM!”


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